Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The same letter is missing three times in each word.

The same letter is missing three times in each word.

Fill the blanks
1) M — L—RI—
2) DI—MI— —
3) — INI—U—
4) A — TE — —A
5) BA— — A— E
6) R—L—AS—
7) —U — — IES
8) A — — RAC—
9) CHA— — I —
10) — AXI — U—

Answer is in comment box


  1. ANSWER:-

    1) MALARIA
    2) DISMISS
    3) MINIMUM
    4) ANTENNA
    5) BAGGAGE
    6) RELEASE
    7) MUMMIES
    8) ATTRACT
    9) CHASSIS
    10) MAXIMUM

  2. ബുദ്ധി ഉള്ളവർ കണ്ടുപിടിക്
    C_ M_ A_ TD_ S
    D_ S_ A_ DS_ L_ YU_ I
    _ RE_ K_ R
    J_ Y_ T_ C
    P_ I_ T_
